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Toestel in de buurt - Mobiel auto alarm

Device nearby

Imagine an average family: Father, mother, two children (20 and 23 years old), two cars, a motorcycle, a holiday home and a nice family home. Mom and Dad have been using their third or fourth mobile device for a while now. The children also have a new device. A number of older devices are already roaming around the house aimlessly.

These old devices will be given a new purpose: They will serve as a full-fledged alarm dialer. Simply secure up to five objects with these older androids. Hide one in every car, one in the house in plain sight, one in the motorcycle and one in the holiday home. Make sure that the devices are connected to a charger, put in a free SIM card and put some (prepaid) data on it (or on the WiFi at home), so that you can use it on the internet, install AutoRemote and our Client app on all alarm dialers. There is one main device, for example pa's new device, which receives the notifications and with which you can operate all alarm dialers remotely. You also set up AutoRemote there, as well as our Main app, the extensive app for the main unit.

This gives you a reliable alarm system that protects five objects. Well arranged you would say ...
But what if someone comes home or if someone has to do an errand with mom's car, or ..., just think of something, ordinary daily things, actions, movements, etc., etc., then there would always be alarm notification will appear on the main unit.

To solve this problem, some settings have to be made on the alarm dialers:
For example, at the detector in the house: Here you can set that every device that all family members always carry with them is linked in bluetooth with the alarm detector in the house. Bluetooth must be turned on on both devices. In the Mobile Auto Alarm app on the main device, you can request the device data from the connected devices by briefly holding the name of the alarm dialer in the house. Turn on the 'nearby' switch, tap on 'Trusted devices'. Check the names of the devices you trust and tap on 'Save devices'. This ensures that the alarm dialer switches off automatically within one minute as soon as a trusted device comes within Bluetooth range of the alarm dialer. When the trusted device moves out of range again, the alarm on the alarm dialer will automatically turn on within two minutes if the alarm was on before it was turned off by that trusted device. Do this with every alarm dialer, so you no longer have to worry about it and the alarm will function properly and as desired on all objects.

This also works fine if you only use one alarm dialer in your own car if you do not have a bluetooth hands-free installation in your car, because then bluetooth connect option in the app. Make sure that your main unit has enough distance from the alarm dialer to get out of range of the alarm dialer so that the alarm on the dialer switches on.

Alle door de ’toestel-in-de-buurt’ uitgeschakelde alarmmelders are displayed if you here taps. This icon is only visible if alarms are disabled by this option, so if there are actually trusted devices in the vicinity of one or more alarms at that moment.

It is not recommended to 'trust' the alarms together, as this could cause, for example, Mom's car standing in front of the door while Dad's family is out with Dad's car, disabling the home's alarm , which is of course not the intention.

If you have installed this correctly you will have a extremely complete alarm system where you receive a notification on the main unit when an alarm dialer 'feels' a vibration or movement. In the event of (attempted) burglary in a car, if someone hits your car while in or out of parking, if the device is picked up in the house, if the holiday home is broken into (mobile phones are a certain prey for burglars), if the engine or scooter is packed, in your company car, trailer, caravan, boat, garage, warehouse, business premises, office, etc., etc.

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