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Over mij… - Mobiel auto alarm

About me…


I am Mart, 60+ and I live in Rotterdam. Ever since I could walk a bit, I have been fascinated by cars and everything that has to do with them. This excessive interest has led me to start trading in used cars on a small scale around 1985. At that time things went quite well, until the advent of the internet became stronger and more intense.

The car trade moved more and more to the internet and only the strongest sometimes barely survived this unstoppable march. I hitchhiked on this side by side by reading some books, gaining some basic knowledge and following the development a bit. However, my company was defunct, on the one hand due to a turbulent period in my private life, but also because I was going on a slippery slope by developing a few ideas (or having them developed) in a for me enormously uncertain world of which I had no knowledge at all. The car trade was clearly a very different sport from the world of the internet.

I am very grateful to a few friends because they gave me a great opportunity to build a 'different' working life: working as an employee. Unfortunately, several attempts to do this were not of a permanent nature because, as an entrepreneur almost born, I am quite stubborn, which made it quite difficult for me to 'listen' to others who often know better and thus accepting a different way of working than I thought myself. . In any case, I took the experiences with me.

In the meantime I had bought a nice little Golf. Nice car that brought me where I wanted. All the trimmings, automatic transmission, not too many kilometers, alarm class 3, in short, the knowledge that I had left over from the car trade came in handy when I bought it. I had also negotiated a good trade-in price for an older Peugeot diesel with which I drove for that Golf. Everything fine, until I got a call from the neighbors to have a quick look at my car.
In that first break-in, they targeted the RNS 510 Navigation Unit. Apparently they were disturbed because he was still half hanging out of the opening in the car. Someone told me they would come back soon because they didn't have what they wanted.

And yes, two weeks later it was price again. It was around 2:30 am when I woke up and thought I heard my alarm system. Quickly out and down on my slippers. I live 7-high so it took me a few minutes to get down. When I arrived outside I saw two miscreants standing next to my car on a scooter while the last one was busy through the smashed window. I screamed and ran towards it. When they heard me they tore away, leaving me with the mess again.
These incidents left a deep impression on me and talking about them with others has made me interested in securing vehicles and objects.

Because I do not live right next to the parking spaces of my car, I looked at the possibilities to receive an alarm message on my mobile phone as soon as there is danger. I still had a few old android devices lying around and had already been introduced to a program in the near past that provides to convert a project created in that program into an application for your android phone. This is how the apps were created that I now offer on this website.

The popular program can only be used on an android phone and can be downloaded from the Google Playstore. It has been around for years and is used by millions of people / developers worldwide as a full-fledged development program. It has also passed all security tests, is approved by Google and absolutely completely safe.

Mijn apps zijn inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een uitgebreid alarmsysteem waarmee je tot 5 objecten onafhankelijk van elkaar kunt beveiligen en afzonderlijk automatisch aan of uit kunt laten schakelen door ’toestel-in-de-buurt’. Het doel is om iedere belanghebbende kennis te laten maken met dit systeem, eerst geheel vrijblijvend 30 dagen gratis waarna er een licensie voor kan worden aangekocht. Omdat het uiteindelijk een betaalde applicatie is zijn er geen reclames of advertenties in opgenomen. Ook garandeer ik dat er beslist geen verborgen phishing acties in zitten of andere onveilige en onbetrouwbare trucks om uw gegevens te verkrijgen. U kunt erop vertrouwen dat deze apps volledig veilig zijn en uitsluitend bedoeld en gemaakt zijn voor het doel zoals op deze website is beschreven.

Thanks for your attention and good luck with the apps.
